Monday, January 25, 2016

Celebrating 12K with SLM

A few months ago we hit the milestone of 12,000 fans on facebook!  To celebrate and thank all of our loyal fans in the jungle,
We invited 19 designers we think the world of, 1 amazing potter, America's Favorite yarn company Red Heart, and Sick Lil Monkeys Bubble Hooks all together for an amazing 15 day thank you party!  You've stopped by the Jungle each day from January 11 through January 25th to learn about our featured designer and grab a new freebies and coupons!!!  No matter when you arrived, you had time to jump in and join the fun!  ANd now after your 15 day patient wait, I am about to reveal to you the winners.  This morning as I selected winners, I felt like we need MORE.  SO I added 10 Sick Lil Monkeys Patterns and 10 coupons for 30% off Bubble Hooks!  If you are listed as a winner below, you have been contacted via email as well.  You need to contact me via FB message within 72 hours to claim your prize.  Please note a couple of the prizes we will need \you to pay slight shipping fees, but they are AMAZING prizes!  If you see YOUR name on the list below contact us by 1:00 pm EST 1/28/2016.  

Mudcrush Pottery Double Stacked Yarn bowl.  Winner will pay shipping based on zip code, winner is....... Britney L.
One $25 Value Red Heart Yarns Gift Bag.  The Winner Is....Deborah M.
1 Pattern of choice from Cre8tion Crochet, winner is.....   Rebecca B. 
                          1 Tape Measurer Of Choice , Winner Is....... Sara F.
6 Mudd Bubble hooks, winner to pay shipping, winner is..... Jamie W.
Each of the following 10 winners have won 1 Sick Lil Monkeys pattern each, winners are.....Katherine M., Christal D.,Carolyn J., Kirsten O., Tina, Nicole M., Jayti R., Niki S., Jen A., Jane L. 
Each of the following 10 winners has won a 30% off coupon for a Bubble Hook, 
Brigitte L., Laura M., Elisabeth S., Trina D., Teresa L., Jodie T., Donna L., Melissa W., Dawn M., Claudia M.
We are still waiting to hear from several Cre8tion Crochet Pattern winners: 
Shelley Garrett

Amanda Hoffman Ives

Lycinda Richardson

Melissa Harms
Congratulations to all.  Come back tomorrow for our blog post answering all you ever wanted to know about Bubble hooks!

Read about our 1/24/16 Featured Designers  - SnApPy ToTs HERE
Read about our 1/23/16 Featured Designers  - Briar Rose Boutique & Mumbles Mummy HERE
Read about our 1/22/16 Featured Designer  - Alliecat's Hats and CraftsHERE
Read about our 1/21/16 Featured Designer  - Kaleidoscope Art&Gifts HERE
Read about our 1/20/16 Featured Designers  - Cre8tion Crochet and LauraMae's Crochet HERE
Read about our 1/19/16 Featured Designer  - Sweet Potato Crochet Creations HERE
Read about our 1/18/16 Featured Designer  - Sweet Potato 3 Patterns HERE
Read about our 1/17/16 Featured Designer  - Forever Stitchin HERE
Read about our 1/16/16 Featured Designer  - Little Mee Creations HERE
Read about our 1/15/16 Featured Designer - Yarn medley's From The Heart HERE
Read about our 1/14/16 Featured Designer - Fromm Me to You HERE
Read about our 1/13/16 Featured Designers: Made By Mary & Glamour4You By Ann HERE
Read about our 1/12/16 Featured Designer - Darcy's Crochet Creations HERE
Read about our 1/11/16 Featured Designer - The Hookeraholic Crochet HERE


  1. excited. Thank you for the giveaway and freebies everyone :D

  2. Congratulations and thank you so much!!

  3. Congratulations and thank you so much!!

  4. Congratulations and thank you so much.

  5. Thank you ladies, you are great!

  6. Congratulations! And thanks for the gifts and give away!

  7. Congratulations!!! Thank you for the celebration!!

  8. Congratulations! Thank you for the gifts and prizes!

  9. How generous!!! Thank you so much for the opportunities!!!

  10. Thank you for these wonderful patterns. I hope I win the contest, I love all the beautiful items.

  11. Terrific news on so many's to 2016 being an even bigger and better year for all of you marvelous designers who are so good to us fans! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  12. What awesome news!! Thanks! Here's to the New Year ahead!!

  13. What wonderful giveways, top form! :)

  14. I live in Cacada and was quite excited to get the eBook, however, after entering the coupon code SLM12K the calculation still leaves a balance owing of almost $5.00.

  15. So exciting! I would love to win any of that give away.

  16. Love, love, love!!! The Arrows Tab Hat! I may be starting that as soon as tomorrow! But, ya had to show us another infinity scarf/cowl...smh. And now do you know what that means??? I have had to go and buy another scarf/infinity/cowl pattern!!! Because, even though I have AT LEAST 100-150 such patterns and am capable of writing up a design of my own, this one is SO BEAUTIFUL, SO UNIQUE that I just cannot pass it up!!! Sigh...💙💜💞💖 In other words, THANK YOU ALL a million times over for these chances to add to my pattern & idea stash. You rock... 😊🎉

  17. Another yarn craft lover, great.

  18. Aww man! Missed the e-book by 37 mins!!! A day late - story of my life! Oh well, congratulations to all. Thank you to each for sharing your wonderful gifts of pattern making with the rest of us.

  19. Aww man! Missed the e-book by 37 mins!!! A day late - story of my life! Oh well, congratulations to all. Thank you to each for sharing your wonderful gifts of pattern making with the rest of us.

  20. OMGosh! I've been up since so early this morning with a headache but now I've completed this wonderful giveaway, used your discount on the cowl, got the boot cuffs and the slouch AND ordered a bubble hook! I've wanted to try one for ages. Thanks for such generosity from each of you! 💙💙💙 (now let's see if I can get this headache under control).

  21. Congratulations on your 13K! I'm just amazed at how many of my favorite designers are making names for themselves in this mad world of crochet/knit we live in. Thanks for the giveaways and keep up the fabulous work!

  22. The code isn't working for today's free pattern from Sweet Potato.

  23. I also had the problem of the code not working.

  24. Thank you for your 12k Celebration. Today's code is not working for the Straight Laced Shrug.

  25. I answered the question today that I love your patterns but it wasn't fair because you didn't have an ALL of the Above option. :)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please reboot or clear your cache all codes are working

  27. Thank you so much for all the free patterns from the different designers!!
    Congratulations on 12K and only positive blessings for 2016!!
