Monday, April 29, 2013

So You Think You Are Ready To Write Your Own Crochet Patterns? 4 Lessons You Need To See

So You Think You Are Ready To Write Your Own Crochet Patterns?  4 Lessons You Need To See
By Kelli Wohlgemuth

So, you've learned to crochet.  You've bought a few patterns, found hundreds more for free, and now you are even creating your own stuff, but how do you put it all in pattern form?  By now I am assuming, you have passed the sketching phase and are ready to create your item, but hold on, I learned the LONG HARD WAY about pattern format.  I confused many a tester.  Often times even when following the Craft Yarn Council standardized abbreviations and pattern format, people are still confused.  I think this is because in the age of the internet, people learn to crochet differently, they pick things up in bits and pieces.  If you are lucky, your mom or grandmother taught YOU the right way.  The HARD way, with all the funny letter and symbols and pictures of loops to follow on a page.